Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Bad fathering is not the same as bad mothering

If this Salon post is indicative of the popular view of parenting, we've got a long way to go to change attitudes about the importance of good fathering. Check out the search term and Google's response above.

in reference to:
"Really, Google, did you mean that?We know it’s nothing personal; it’s just an algorithm based on the most common queries. And while we appreciate your patience when we suck at spelling “sacerdotal” and don't quite know whether that song goes “whoo hoo” or “woo hoo,” trust us that when we’re looking for faulty fathering, it’s not dear old mom we seek. Who knew you were so Freudian?"
- Did you mean that, Google? - Broadsheet - (view on Google Sidewiki)

Next Meeting Friday 10/30 at 9:30

FatherhoodImage by DaDaAce via Flickr
See you Friday morning when we'll continue working on our OTDA application.

Dutchess County DSS is in.
Ulster County DSS looks promising.
Orange County DSS is reviewing our request.

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Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Collaborating on Strengthening Fatherhood

Oct. 7, 2009: Two new Fatherhood RFPs Released. Steering Committee to discuss joint Hudson Valley application. All interested agencies are welcome.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009, 2 pm
Please RSVP 883-6060 for details and directions

Capacity Building: NFI, with support from the US HHS Office of Family Assistance, announces availability of 25 awards, each in the amount of $25,000, for the specific purpose of increasing capacity to develop their fatherhood programming, and to improve their financial sustainability by becoming more familiar with-and better qualified to receive-federal or private philanthropic support. Due Nov. 6, 2009. Link to RFP and more information.

Strengthening Families Through Stronger Fathers:
NYS OTDA - In an effort to help unemployed and underemployed noncustodial parents increase their financial and emotional involvement with their children, OTDA is seeking programs to provide case management and employment services coupled with other supportive services. Due Nov. 13, 2009. Link to RFP and more information.

Do you want to compete or collaborate? Let us know.